BS 8599-1:2019 Compliant Workplace First Aid Kit Refill - Personal Issue
, FA/1015-2019
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The BS 8599-1 Compliant Workplace Small First Aid Kit is suitable for less than 25 people in a low risk environment and less than 5 people in a high risk environment.
The BS 8599-1 Compliant Workplace Small kit's contents (listed below) fit snuggly into the box with outer dimensions of 27 x 24 x 9cm.
Refill Kit Contains:
- 1 x General First Aid Guidance Card
- 1 x Large Sterile HSE Dressing Flow Wrap - 18cm x 18cm
- 1 x Non Sterile Non Woven Triangular Bandage
- 1 x 20 Assorted Sterile Waterproof Plasters
- 4 x Sterile Saline Alcohol Free Cleansing Wipe in Foil Sachet
- 2 x Purple Nitrile Examination Gloves - Large (Pair)
- 1 x Resuscitation Face Shield
- 1 x Foil Emergency Blanket - Silver - Adult
- 1 x Tuf Cut Heavy Duty Shears
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