NARP Hypothermia Prevention & Management Kit - HPMK
, BL/075
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The NARP Hypothermia Prevention and Management Kit is designed to meet the extreme and specific needs of patient warming during combat casualty evacuation (CASEVAC). The high performance, heat reflective shell has 360 degree access and closes to the under side for greater weather protection during standard and non-standard casualty evacuation. The kit also contains a self heating, four cell shell liner designed to sustain continuous dry heat and a heat reflective skull cap. The kit is vacuum packed in a rugged, pliable package with quick-rip tabs to allow easy access
Special Features:
- Durable Packing to Protect Self Activating Heating Elements
- Vacuum Packed
- Heat to 106 Degrees Fahrenheit
- 8 Hours of Continuous Heat
- Patent Pending
7.5" x 9.5" x 3"
3 lbs.
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