25 Watt Megaphone
, AW/197
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Restricted items such as blue beacons, barlights and sirens will only be dispatched to customers once they have provided a copy of their Emergency Services ID or Proof of Right to Use from their NHS Trust or Company/Organisation
- 25 Watt Megaphone with an audible range of 1.0km
- Made from strong ABS with a rubber edge protector
- High quality anti feedback detachable microphone
- Comfortable shoulder strap
- Push to talk and rotary volume control
- Switchable siren
- Powered by 8 D cell batteries
- Made to patented design. Fits most vehicles
- Simply slides over existing vehicle's sun-visor
- No fixing, brackets or sticking
- Hidden / removable when not in use
- Tested to International DIN standard for in-car items
- Recyclable, washable, UV stable, shatterproof, fireproof
- Printed with retro-reflective letters. Wide range of colours
- For Doctor, Nurse and Paramedic badges your certificate/PIN number is required
- For Police a copy of a warrant card is required
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