GN Ambulance Short Sleeved Shirt 38-40
, PC/402
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- Designed to SP's exacting standards
- 2 bands of 5cm silver Scotchlite on arms
- Set of standard Velcro attached badges included
- Epaulettes and numerous zip fastened pockets
- Custom colour/tailor service available - call for details
Available badges
Please specify at checkout in comments field
Amb Svc 1st Responder | Ambulance |
Ambulance Officer | Ambulance Paramedic* |
Ambulance Technician | Doctor*** |
Duty Officer | E M T |
Emergency Amb Tech | Fire |
First Aid | Medic |
Nurse** | Observer |
Paramedic Officer* | Paramedic* |
Police**** | Raynet |
Rescue | Security |
State Reg Paramedic* |
Please be aware of the following:
- * PA number for any badge that says "Paramedic"
- ** Nurses Pin Number for "Nurse" badges
- *** GMC Number for "Doctor" badges
- **** Copy of warrant card or delivery to Police station for "Police" badges
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