Crewsaver Crewfit 150N LifeJacket - RED
This is a non-returnable, special purchase item
The Crewfit 150N offers integral safety features such as the inflatable chin support. In addition the lifejacket remains easy to regularly maintain, service and repack using a velcro closure system to ensure efficient and cost effective solutions for your operation.
Crewsaver has chosen the HAMMAR Hydrostatic firing head for its automatic inflation lifejackets. This design uses a simple hydrostatic valve that opens once submersed for approximately 2 seconds and allows water to penetrate the water soluble capsule inside. This capsule breaks-down just like a standard automatic firing head and releases a spring that fires the inflation needle into the gas cylinder thus inflating the lifejacket.
A manual Pull-Toggle is also provided to override the automatic mechanism so you can be assured that should you need to, you can always inflate the lifejacket manually. The HAMMAR Hydrostatic automatic firing mechanism give excellent protection from random accidental inflation caused by moisture build-up during storage, heavy rain or waves breaking over the wearer.
- The automatic 150N inflation chamber out performs approval and offers 165N of buoyancy
- Lifting becket
- Built in inflatable chin support
- Manual oral inflation tube for additional air top up
- Whistle
- Reflective tape to aid visibility
- Waist adjuster
- Velcro closure system
- Supplied with dual crotch straps