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  • Cutting-Edge Equipment for Optimal Care
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Schiller Replacement Defib Pads for FRED Easyport

ID:SP-0-20-0040 , DF/530
Order from supplier within 14 working days.

This is a non-returnable, special purchase item

Set of defibrillator electrode pads designed to be used with Schiller Easyport defibrillators.

FRED Easyport Pocket Sized Semi-Auto AED

FRED Easyport Pocket Sized Semi-Auto AED with Manual Override


  • Can be used on both adults and younger patients that are over 8 years old.
  • Supplied in a sealed package that contains the pads pre-gelled to ensure they're ready for immediate use.
  • 2 years of lifespan for each Electrode Pad.
  • The packaging provides diagrams and information to prevent misplacement of the pads when they are used on a patient.

