Celox Basic Bundle - Celox Applicator
, ZZ/04031
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This bundle includes:
- 1 x Celox Applicator
- 1 x Celox Haemorrhage Control Guide
- The Celox-A applicator with Celox granules is a specifically designed delivery system that gives you an easy, safe and effective way to stop life-threatening bleeding from difficult to treat penetrating trauma.
- The instinctive applicator allows you to get the Celox granules through a small entry wound, directly to the bleeding site in just a few seconds. The applicator is vacuum packed, sterile and lightweight, and can be easily stored within your existing trauma pouch
- For knife, bullet and any other penetrating wound, the Celox Applicator does what Celox does best, stops bleeding and saves lives
Brand | Celox |
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