Premium Advanced Sports Kit in Large Orange Sports Bag
, FA/544
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The Premium Advanced Sports Kit is larger than the Essentials Sports Kit and features over 10 additional components.
This kit is an ideal choice for a certified First Aider and is recommended for organised sport of a larger capacity.
Key Features:
- Zip bag
- Lightweight and compact
- Ideal for minor sporting injuries
- 1 x First Aid Guidance Leaflet
- 100 x Adhesive Dressing 5cm x 7.2cm
- 50 x Adhesive Dressing 8cm x 10cm
- 1 x Cohesive Bandage 6cm x 4m
- 1 x Crepe Bandage 5cm x 4.6m
- 1 x Crepe Bandage 5cm x 4.6m
- 1 x Crepe Bandage 7.5cm x 4.5m
- 5 x Pairs of Gloves
- 10 x Cleansing Wipes
- 12 x Safety Pins
- 6 x Ice Packs
- 20 x Assorted Washproof Plasters
- 20 x Assorted Fabric Plasters
- 1 x Scissors
- 2 x Foil Blanket
- 2 x Low-Adherent Dressing 5cm x 5cm
- 1 x Microporous Tape 1.25cm x 5m
- 1 x Resuscitation Face Shield
- 3 x Clinical Waste Bags
- 2 x Ambulance Dressing No. 3
- 3 x Triangular Bandages
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