First Aid Mobile Trauma Station
, ZZ/7522
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- This First Aid Mobile Trauma Station is extremely compact and has a unique crush-resistant exoskeletal frame
- Unlike wall mounted stations, heavy bags or small First Aid kits the Mobile Trauma Station brings comprehensive emergency First Aid supplies to the scene quickly and easily
- The Station offers a comfortable place to sit on a platform that can support up to 300 pounds
- Internal clear pockets and external mobile pockets
- Mesh side pockets and internal roof pocket
- The aluminum frame is on the outside which provides more packing space and durable protection
- Magneto dynamic flashing LED wheels
- Unique dual wheel design for climbing curbs and stairs with ease
- Heavy-duty water resistant bag
- Super durable aerospace class construction
- Ultra silent scooter wheels with sealed bearings
- Dimensions
- External: 31 x 47 x 35.5cm
- Internal: 21.5 x 39 x 30cm
- Access door: 20 x 33cm
- Handle extension: 96.5cm
Item is supplied unkitted
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