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Capnography, King of the ABC's: A Systematic Approach for Paramedics

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Author(s): Troy Valente
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 80
Publication Date: August 2010

Written by a paramedic for paramedics, this text is an all inclusive look into every facet of capnography as it relates to prehospital patent care.

Capnography texts have been written in the clinical settings of anesthesiology, critical care and ventilator management ad nauseam, but never for the paramedic....until now.

This book is the first of its kind written by a paramedic for paramedics to use in their everyday medicine. Capnography is arguably one of the most powerful tools in a paramedics repertoire. From the basics to V/Q ratio assessment, hopefully this book will serve as the educational foundation for paramedics to realize the full capabilities of capnography as it relates to EMS.
