Paediatric Clinical Examination Made Easy
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Author(s): Denis Gill, Niall O'Brien
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 302
Edition: 5th
Published: Churchill Livingstone; 5Rev Ed edition (21 Nov 2006)
Denis Gill MB, BSc, DCH, FRCP(I), FRCPCH, Professor of Paediatrics, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and The Children's Hospital, Dublin.
Niall O'Brien MB, DCH, FRCP(I), Paediatrician with a special in Neonatology, National maternity Hospital, The Children's Hospital, Dublin.
Excellent pocket-sized book providing easy-to-follow advice on history-taking, examination and developmental assessment of infants and children (up to school age). Useful on the hospital ward or in the community and for teaching medical students, nurses, and others who have to examine children.
- Easy to read text
- Divided into short, manageable chapters
- Useful illustrations and tables
- Terms clearly defined
- Excellent section on child development
- Links examination technique to clinical examples
- Helpful terms/Mnemonics section and clinical checklist
What's New:
- Some classifications have changed and this has been updated
- New information on internet teaching and learning sites a section on diagnostic logic
- Key points to be picked out in a tint or box (student suggestion)
- Vital differences between adult and paeds consultations to be highlighted and drawn to the reader's attention (student suggestion)
- Make part of the very successful 'Made Easy' series for this edition
0443073171, 9780443073175, 044310395X, 978044310395