LifeForm Intraosseous Infusion Simulator
IDLF01108, TR/976
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All Simulaids products are latex free.
Designed to demonstrate and simulate the intraosseous infusion procedure
- Replacement bones and skins extend the product life indefinitely
- Features palpable landmarks, tibial access sites in both legs and aspiration of blood
- Simulator represents a six month old infant
- Includes:
- 10 replaceable bone inserts
- 2 sets of replaceable leg skins
- 2 two white towelettes
- 1 syringe with tubing
- 1 blood powder
- 1 sealing wax
- 1/2 oz. liquid lubricant
- 1 mixing bottle
- 1 needle
- 1 hard carry case
Brand | Simulaids |
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