EMT Casualty Simulation Kit
, TR/821
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A 95 piece EMT mass casualty simulation set featuring strap and stick on wounds and injuries, compound fractures, burns, gunshot and puncture wounds.
- 60 assorted stick on assorted injury simulation
- 1 jaw wound, 1 abdominal wound with protruding intestines 1 sucking wound of the chest, 2 compound fractures of humerus 2 compound fractures of femur, 1 laceration of forehead, 1 leg amputation, 2 compound fractures of tibia, 2 gunshot wounds of palm - all with reservoir and pump assemblies
- 1 phosphorus burn to forearm, 1 (2nd & 3rd degree) burn to face, 1 (2nd & 3rd degree) burn to chest, 1 (2nd & 3rd degree) burn of back, 1 (2nd & 3rd degree) burn of hand, 1 face in shock
- 36 assorted lacerations and open fractures
- 1 adhesive sticks, 2 casualty simulation waxes, 3 bottles of coagulation makeup blood, 1 blood thickener, 2 each white, blue brown, red grease paint, packs of broken plexiglass, 1 cold cream
- 1 palette, 1 mirror, 1 scissors, 1 measuring cup, 1 spatula 2 mist sprayers, 1 white/ 1 dark modelling paste, 2 tongue depressors, 1 tissues, 1 fake dirt/charcoal, 1 petroleum jelly, 1 mirror, 1 spatula, Sufficient powder to make 18l of blood
- Ideal for major disaster training
- Dimensions - 60 x 46 x 23cm
Brand | Simulaids |
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