Simulaids Multiple Casualty Simulation Kit
, TR/820
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All Simulaids products are latex free.
- A realistic kit for advanced first aid courses.
- 24 assorted stick on lacerations and open fractures.
- 4 assembled reservoirs and pumps.
- 1 open amputation, 1 compound fracture of tibia, 2 compound fractures of humerus, 1 sucking chest wound, 1 palm gunshot wound, 1 casualty simulation wax, 1 packet of broken plexiglass, 1 bottle of coagulant makeup blood.
- 1 Brown, 1 Blue, 1 White and 1 Red grease paint.
- 1 Adhesive stick, 1 sprayer and 2 spatulas.
- 2 wood tongue depressors.
- Sufficient powder to make 10.8L of blood.
- Ideal for major incident training.
- Dimensions - 25.5 x 23 x 46 cm.
Brand | Simulaids |
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