CombiCarrier 2 - SpeedClip Version in Green with Pins
, ST/111
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The CombiCarrier II eliminates unnecessary movement making it ideal for patients with suspected hip, pelvic, and spinal injuries.
- Spinal Immobilization Device: The CombiCarrier II may be used as a scoop stretcher or a full backboard.
- Auto-Lock Latch System: Simple, intuitive design minimizes training. Recessed side latch is positioned away from patient.
- Locks instantly during application.
- Manual release required during removal from patient.
- Concave Patient Surface: Provides excellent lateral support and improves patient’s sense of security. Minimizes movement of patient’s spine during lifting and transport. Continuous inner edge eliminates panel pinch points.
- Operates like a Standard Backboard: Patient can be rotated and slid out onto the CombiCarrier II during auto extrication. Four patient restraint straps are included.
- Continuous Head Support Surface: Improves neutral alignment and minimizes head movement during application and removal. Accommodates various durable and disposable head immobilizers.
- Seamless Plastic Construction: No rivets, drive screws or roll pins. High density polyethylene is easily cleaned and disinfected. Helps comply with CDC and OSHA guidelines. Foam filling makes it ideal for water rescue.
- Reduced thickness (2.19" / 5.6 cm) and smaller hand hold diameter (1.35" / 3.4 cm) fits standard storage compartments.
Dimensions: 186.7 x 41.9 x 5.6cm
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