Neil Robertson Stretcher - Standard Model
, ST/035
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The Neil Robertson Rescue Stretcher is specifically designed for the recovery of victims in difficult and cramped situations, especially where the patient has to be raised and carried to safety.
The Neil Robertson Rescue Stretcher is made with semi-rigid splints and high resistant cotton to guarantee the utmost safety for the patient during lifting. Thanks to a robust construction and a practical storage system this stretcher is an essential piece of equipment for rescue mines, industries, building sites, ships and rigs.
- Robust band for the stabilisation of head
- Rugged handles covered in Santoprene to improve the grip and guarantee comfort for the operator
- Adjustable belt with traditional buckle to suit various sized patients
- Durable double stitching
- Compact woven cloth canvas for heavy loads
- Seamless supporting cord to guarantee secure raising and lowering
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