Melker Emergency Cricothyrotomy Surgical Set
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The Melker Emergency Cricothyrotomy Surgical Set is used to establish emergency airway access when endotracheal intubation cannot be performed. Airway access is achieved utilizing the surgical technique via the cricothyroid membrane.
- Airway access is achieved by standard wire-guided (Seldinger) technique via the cricothyroid membrane
- Subsequent dilation of the tract and tracheal entrance site permits passage of the emergency airway
- Catheter is cuffed to protect and control airway once placed
- Airway catheter is radiopaque and has standard 15 mm connector
- 1 x #11 safety scalpel
- 1 x Trousseau dilator
- 1 x Tracheal hook
- 1 x Blunt, curved dilator
- 1 x Syringe
- 1 x Tracheostomy tape
- 1 x Airway catheter
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