Veinlite EMS PRO Vein Finder
, IN/960
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The worlds best selling vein access device just got better, with the new integrated white exam light.
Veinlites unique C-shaped design stretches the skin for easy needle insertion, prevents veins rolling and results in fewer IV access failures. Using Veinlite saves time, avoids repeated needle sticks, decreases patient pain and anxiety and reduces wasted IV supplies.
- Clinically proven Veinlite technology
- NEW - Integrated exam light
- Robust design for use in the field
- Works on dark and light skin tones
- Uses any standard AA batteries
- Simple, single button operation
- 24 Bright Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
- Two LED colours optimized for vein imaging
- 12 Orange LEDs for superficial veins
- 4 Red LEDs for deeper veins, darker skin
- 8 White LEDs for examining
- Light shield and paediatric adapter
- Includes single use barrier covers
- Includes 2 AA batteries
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